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copyright statement 

Note that sole copyright to the associated artworks, digital artworks and prints are fully retained by the artist. Any unauthorized reproduction or commercial use is in violation of copyright law.

This includes
- Using, modifying, posting artworks on social media without artists permission. 
- Re creating, using, modifying artworks for commercial, advertising or charitable use


You may
- share posts directly from LadybugArt social media pages. 
- posting unmodified artworks containing LadybugArt watermark and a visible credibility to the social media page belonging to LadybugArt

Any form of breach will be a result in a 3 step lawful action

Purchase of an original painting or print DOES NOT transfer the copyrights. The artist Jesseca Tyrrell of LadybugArt Ltd reserves the right to create printed reproductions of her original works for sale.

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